If you take an incurable illness, especially one that causes pain and suffering amongst its victims, you have an environment ripe for quackery, fraud, false hopes, controversy, scams, snake oil, and fear mongering. On the flip side, traditional western medicine is notoriously slow at accepting alternative treatments, has the possibility of understating risks involved with drug therapies and diagnostic testing, and is funded by drug companies that are quite frankly in business to make a profit. Somewhere in the middle of all this lies the truth. As Fox Mulder of the X-Files would say, "The Truth is Out There."
Crohn's Disease researchers are working on some fantastic new studies right now that promise greater understanding of this mystery illness, better treatments, and better diagnostic testing. There are also studies being done on diet, and other factors relating to living with IBD.
For today's post I am going to list the 5 biggest mysteries and controversies swirling around the subject of Crohn's disease. I don't have any answers, I am just presenting the topics.
1. Is Crohn's disease caused by or related to Mycobacterium avium,
supspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) bacteria sometimes found in cow's milk?
2. Can the inexpensive drug called "Low Dose Naltrexone" help Crohn's sufferers? What about Aloe? Bee propolis? Holy tea?
3. Why is Crohn's disease more prevalent in developed countries? Could this be related to the lack of bacteria in the environment, different diet, genetic differences, etc.?
4. What will the role of stem cells be in treating Crohn's disease in the future? What are the ethical and political ramifications of funding for stem cell research?
5. Do Crohn's patient's receive too may CAT scans and other nuclear medicine based diagnostic tests? Will the amount of radiation over the lifetime become dangerous?