If you have just been diagnosed with Crohn's or even if have had it a long time, you probably have a lot of questions. There are many books on the subject (see the Amazon.com ferris wheel below for some great books) but I think the best way to learn about living with Crohn’s Disease is to join a support group or web forum. My favorite web forum is the Crohn's Forum at Healing well. But there are many others out there too. Many people like to find a support group in their area. I personally think a web forum is great especially when you don’t have a lot of extra time and energy to run around town.
Plus my guess is that newly diagnosed Crohnies are probably really sick when they get their diagnosis and that makes it hard to get to a support group. So the online support groups and great because you can check in for a short period of time each day when you are feeling good enough to be at the computer, and you don’t even have to get out of your pajamas.
Some of the best techniques I have for managing Crohn's pain have come from reading what helps other people. For example, have you tried putting a heating pad on your abdomen? It helps me when I get the aching or stabbing abdominal pain. I knew a heating pad could help a sore back, etc. but I had not thought of it for abdominal pain.