Now this is some health news I can get behind - a study shows that Chocolate 'cuts risk of dying in heart attack survivors'
Chocolate cuts my families risk of being yelled at during bad PMS days - I don't need a study to prove that. However, chocolate is one of the worst foods for irritating my stomach and therefore my Crohn's. (My worst gastro Crohn's symptoms involve praying to the porcelain gods in the middle of a heartburn filled night, if you know what I mean) I have to be pretty darn careful about eating chocolate. My trick - I eat some earlier in the day, not in the evening. It has to be a small amount. My favorite treat to sneak - Green and Black Organic Milk Chocolate with Almonds.
I take the risk for some chocolate now and then. Popcorn, alas... not worth it.
Idea for heart attack survivors - have a glass of good red wine with your chocolate. Red wine and chocolate just go together for some weird reason, and both seem to have benefits for heart health in moderation. (No, I can't drink red wine either. Bad for my stomach plus gives me a migraine.) Wahh.