Consider Lactobacillus, a probiotic that comes in a number of strains, among them: Lactobacillus GG (often called LGG), which can be found in the diet supplement Culturelle as well as several milk products in Finland; L. casei DN114 001, included in Dannon products; and L. casei Shirota, found in Yakult, a popular probiotic drink from Japan.
Studies show that all of these strains are associated with reducing diarrhea; LGG, among the most studied, has also shown a benefit in treating atopic eczema and milk allergy in infants and children, according to a 2008 report in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. Meanwhile, both LGG and Dannon’s L. casei strain have been shown in studies of children attending day care to reduce illness.
“Lactobacillus is just the bacterium,” said Gregor Reid, director of the Canadian Research and Development Center for Probiotics. “To say a product contains Lactobacillus is like saying you’re bringing George Clooney to a party. It may be the actor, or it may be an 85-year-old guy from Atlanta who just happens to be named George Clooney. With probiotics, there are strain-to-strain differences.”
From the perspecitive of a Crohn's patient I am really trying to figure out which strains of probiotic are best for IBD.
I have heard of at least one study showing Primadophilous Reutera is good for Crohn's so I take the Natures Way pearls version of that.
I make my own yogurt and am trying several different types of yogurt culture starter to see what I like the taste of as well as if I feel healthier. Apparently the reuteri pribiotic doesn't stay alive enough in yogurt so you can't just make a starter culture from that - you need the supplement. I always like to get my nutrients from food rather than a supplement when I can, I just feel its more natural. But sometimes I guess a supplement is worthwhile.
At any rate, I am very interested in the different strains of probiotics and what they can do to help the digestion and immune system. Digestive flora is so important, its a large part of your immune system.