What have you been up to this summer? I've been rooting for Olympic Atheletes, working, entertaining my kids, and trying to cook healthy food.
My Crohn's is in the category of slightly flaring" right now. I am just hanging in there but doing ok. It could be worse, right?
I am eagerly awaiting the next issue of Crohn's Advocate Magazine, where I will be featured along with author Michael Weiss of HospitalPatient.com. I will let you know when it comes out. Here's a link to subscribe if you would like the print copy of the magizine. It's a good magazine with a lot of great stories of folks with Crohn's. Subscribe to Crohn's Advocate.
Here is also a link to Michael's book on Amazon. I haven't read it yet, but he's a great guy - very serious and funny at the same time.
Have ypu ever seen his Late Night Crohn's Commercial Parody - it is hysterical!